Thursday, June 10, 2010

end of site #1

ended my attachment with the first site!
truly fortunate to be part of this project. hahaha =))
maybe not getting to the civil team is a blessing in disguise!
although i still v much wanted to go to the mrt site.. and maybe the expressway.
but heard from the civil team, things weren't that good at their side.

so i shld be happy with my choice bah! =))
and this site is located at raffles place area.
im loving that place! hahaha
there's good food around(the hot and spicy curry chicken, and western grilled fish oooh), and i can always get drinks, bubble tea anytime i want.
and i always get a seat on the train to and fro somemore!
yala, i'm one of those that stand at the platform at yishun and rush forward when the empty train comes. hahaha
but sadly, im those who couldnt really zzz on trains.
so the train ride to work was super lonnngggg.
but back home was fast, i dunno why. hahaha

the good thing about the work at the site office.
- we were visible.
- they were really willing to teach and the people there were really nice, not much of attitude problem kind.
- dpm was really keen on giving what we wanted to learn.
- my work was taken seriously.
- get to go up the viewing gallery many times!
- was given a seat in the room (the only room apart from meeting room).. hehehe. and so best thing is, nobody can see my lappy, except my partner.

the not-so-good thing:
- maybe is the location of the office? it was located on the rooftop, so have to walk pass the m&e services to get to office, and if it rains, then suay lo. but it didn't really rain heavily when i was there. and my seat was, i think, on top of some m&e services also, coz the floor wld suddenly vibrate..
- the super cramped office. have to go zig zag zig zag before i get to my room. 我还一度觉得腰痛。
- have to bring own lappy. =.=

alright, off to the next site lo!




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