Monday, November 27, 2006

i support this one!!!

dun Out so soon hor!


Sunday, November 19, 2006

SonyBMG's new talented composer/singer Evan Yo's new album titled《19》 meaning a 19 yr old's album. Discovered by Jacky Wu as his gem, trained Evan since 14yrs old for this debut today. 2nd year in his uni, majoring in violin major and minoring in piano. His buddy in Uni of the next class who together won compeition with their work, had wrote lyrics to most of his composions. A good duo's productions. Hailed by media as talent successor to Jay Chou, Wong Lee Hom and singing style of changing pitch like David Tao. A singer to be watched. ^_^ Hope he find his style and improve his singing to get more feelings into it. ^_~


ai mei violin


Thursday, November 16, 2006

the big A's.

i muz jot it down so that i can refer to it nx yr march.


first paper: GP P1 n P2
P1 Q3 technology stuff.
i tink i wrote until very simple, use simple words, big large fonts, which looks like a p6 work instead.
n if this is not worst enough,
almost the whole cohort did q3.
my class had like 14/18 who did q3.
great minds think alike or what.
i hoped for a 30/50 la. so as to help my p2

p2 comprehension on er. freedom.
this is the worst.
the short ans was realli short.
a lot of 1m qn that er... makes me think a lot... coz 1m ans also not easy to answer ah.
answer wrongly means zero marks.. not half marks la.
so muz think properly.
summary was killer..
3 requirements .
but we also duno what they want.
so anihow pom lor.
AQ was the most cham.
3/4 done.
if count the relevant one, shld be half-done.
it was the worst manx..
there's no reference to the country.
everything muz come from ur mind, and how you feel.
this is real tough.
when u write about how you feel,
how u gona evaluate it???
i realli anihow pom lor!

MAths P1
i think its generally okay.. juz that the first few qn werre not easy.
average 15 marks gone.
but realli thanks god, the 3d trigo is only 4 marks.

Chem P3
paper is much better than prelims.
coz i can do thermody!
really happy. =)))
n the nmr i tink shld be able to get the structure right.
overall is okay.

Maths P2
i love stats!
i also love p2. coz partly becoz its only 7 chapters!
ok the pure maths one is realli not what we expect it to be lor..
they repeated some topics that have alreadi came out from p1.
so like malcurin, trapezium rule, volume nv come out.
luckily they asked area and not volume!!!!
so average shld be 10 marks gone..

Ps: i've heard stories of students from top school who feels tt the paper was quite tough.
great isnt it?
all i can say is they nv try yj paper before.
yj thanks for the super super tough prelim n blocktest, that train us for the a lvl.
anw. had a good rest after maths paper.. coz still have quite a long time to econs paper.


Chem P2
din realli mug a lot of p2, LARGELY becoz its crash with econ P3
but the paper is quite okay la,
also what those teachers predict all nv come out!
thanks la.
hai wo keep forward-ing those tips n prediction.
thermochem also nv come out.
i tot i could score there..
oh well.
and luckily i checked my paper again n again man..
coz i found i got like 2 careless mistake.
for the zwitterion ,
i initially tot they want ph 14 one..
so i drew the alkaline one..
until i saw PH 7!
then quickly change.
second one is the pKa for fluroethanoic acid..
i initailly tot they want pKa for the first one.
until i saw fluro.
then i see see,
no fluro leh..
quickly re-calculate again.
phew phew again.
if not like 4 marks gone lor..
thanks thanks.
its good to check ur paper then sleep.

Econs P3
used the time in btw chem p2 n econ p3 to mug in the lib.
3 hours to mug.
tt period is the toughest man.
coz yubin n yx were like kept asking qn
then somehow very kong pu lor..
and when i asked what's fiscal drag.
everyone was like omg, what's that.
till now, i still duno what is it.
when we were studying, aminah class people were also there.
then aminah came.
n sort of scream say dun study last min!!!!
muz stop one hour before the paper.
so the 3 hours was cut down to 2 hours..
but heck.
we studied till the last min.
but it was realli nerve-cracking la.
felt so nervous n sick before the paper...
heart beat like siao..
want tovomit like siao.
then half an hour before the paper.
went to audi.
ms aminah starts her talk..
and i rmbed she say at this moment,
we confirm forgot all the definitions.
n true enough.
we realli forgot liao.
but then she said," relax, everytime will start flowing back soon."
thank, aminah.
and also, she said the paper is easy.
"im juz scared that u all will do more than 3 qns."

this got many of us scared la...
but then i tot what aminah say will be true.
but end up, the paper aint easy.
cry ah.
so juz anihow do lor..
did the one on market failure ie. education, inflation (even though i duno what's part a asking about monetary factor that cause inflation, and on appreciation of exchange rate.
ie, Q1,4,6
ended up
my qn 4b is simlar as my 6b.
what the hell.
and i tink aminah class will do well leh..
coz aminah spotted many of the qn.
all the qn except 3b she have the appendix (i.e outline ) to it.
aminah power la.
so ya, the 2 hr 15mins is realliy cham..
wrote and wrote and wrote.
cannot stop one..
ended up.
hand super pain.
back pain.
totally shagged after the paper.

Econ P1
din realli have time to study.
so juz browse those the tys and stufff..
and off we go to the hall.
p1 is tough tough tough..
not many tys qn lor..
i tink prelim one was easier..
i tink many others find it tough also..
coz after the paper, i heard many people asking what's the ans for Qn 1.
qn 1 is the opportunity cost qn.
option a is what diminishing returns.
option c is resourcesis finite.
i wrote c.
it shld be c.
anw its quite toughhh

Econ P2
p2 is quite okay la.
juz that i wrote super long for 3m qn.
and not very long for 12m qn.
oh weelll.

and so ECONS IS OVER>!!

Chem P1
last paper.
almost late... but i wasnt feeling nervous about it..
scroll my way in even thoughthe security guard ask me to run.
the paper was okay la...
not easy, not very difficult also.
quite average..
so 1 hour was up.
n a level officially ended..
really mixed feeling.

no more waking at early
no more taking 812.
no more meeting somebody b4 going to sch.
no more mdm lee.
no more money and price.
no more thermody
no more curve sketching.
no more sch canteen.
no more j4-14
no more sch laksa.
no more vending machine.
no more drink stall
no more muggin in lib.
no more eye-candy
no more clapper.
no more TOS.
no more 5 part structure.
no more assembly
no more ganesh talk.
no more nuggets.
no more pe session
no more 2.4
no more floorball.
no more netball
no more games.
no more block test
no more forwarding of chem stuff..
no more gp notes.
no more sch bookshop.
no more seaweed.
no more j2
no more 218...


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

i must have an entry on the prestigious a level.


Kai Li Economics Textbook.

Edition 1: Jan 06
MPP = marginal productivity product.

edition xXx: prelim.
ART = Average Revenue of Tax
MRt = marginal Revenue of Tax.

luckily, i dun publish it in A's.


hopped to my old blog.
n found this
now i muz put the whole link here.
go n see la

my drawing A1 one ok.


Provisional Pre-u one admission exercise 2006

all i can say, with my that results
i cant even go cjc, mjc, nyjc,tpjc.

oh so sad.

after seeing the cutoffpoint for yj
i noe why there's no need for open house.

smile smile smile.
i love blogging.

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i've got nothing to blog.
but i still want to blog.

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Monday, November 13, 2006





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